
20 March 2011

Earthquake Prediction on Fox news


18March2011: Friday night Fox news interviewed a former USGS geologist Jim Burkland who stated the following:

Based on facts and recent natural events, Burkland feels the "big one" is eminent. According to Burkland, the earthquake will hit the west coast of the United States sometime between 19March2011 and 26March2011. That's NOW folks. Hopefully he's wrong because although we may be prepared, nobody really wants it to happen.  Burkland also mentions the Pacific Ring of Fire. Based on the sequence of recent earthquake events around the Pacific Rim, Burkland believes we are next. Here's a link to his Fox news interview:

The Pacific Ring of Fire

*NOTE: Jim Burkland is the guy that predicted the San Francisco earthquake four days before it happened.

Remember the millions of sardines that washed up in Redondo Beach last week? Well, the same thing happened in Japan just two days before their 11March earthquake. Also last week in New Zealand approximately 173 whales washed up dead, all on the same stretch of beach. Now we have a pod of whales off the coast of San Diego that has no business in the Southern California region. Why am I saying all this? Biologists say that certain animals (like marine life), navigate along their migratory route via magnetic fields. Before a major seismic activity, the magnetic fields go out of whack and the animals' navigation is thrown off, resulting in animals being where they aren't supposed to be.

The millions of dead sardines that washed up ashore in Redondo Beach, CA

So what now? I say just make sure you have your business in order. If you haven't done any sort of preparation, don't worry, it's not too late. Just simply grabbing a backpack or duffel and packing some basic items (clothes, bottled water, toiletry, etc) will get you on your way. Of course, you can prep further as you have more time, but something is always better than nothing. Look at the devastation in Japan. They get one of every five earthquakes in the world so they are no strangers to natural disasters. Yet it's been over a week and many still aren't provided decent shelters, warmth or food. Alittle preparation now will go a long way. Take time now and do yourself a favor.

I put this blog up just as a heads up for folks who may be concerned. Please don't panic as it's just the opinion of one person. Nobody really knows when the "big one" will hit. As for me, any warning, even if it is false, is helpful and appreciated.
"Be Prepared."

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